Like most areas of medicine, aesthetics is changing rapidly. One of the largest improvements has been in the area of dermal facial fillers. We use these to help our clients from Redondo Beach, Manhattan Beach, and throughout the South Bay restore volume and fill in deep lines instantly. There are many options on the market and our Torrance plastic surgery practice is proud to offer just about all of them! Restore Volume Instantly Some of the biggest requests we've had are to provide a subtle lift …
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South Bay Plastic Surgeons
3640 Lomita Boulevard #306
Torrance, CA 90505
Phone: (310) 784-0644
Monday-Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
The Spa at South Bay Plastic Surgeons
3640 Lomita Boulevard #309
Torrance, CA 90505
Phone: (310) 784-0670
Monday-Friday: 9 a.m.–6 p.m.
Wednesday: 9:00 a.m.–8 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
Author Archives: DrJewell
Looking for ways to improve your appearance that don’t require surgery and won’t break the bank? We’ve got ‘em! Here are some of our staff’s favorite beauty treatments! Hand Rejuvenation: If your hands look older than your face, an IPL treatment plus dermal filler will reduce wrinkles and plump the back of your hands for a softer, younger look! Collagen Boost: Want to stimulate collagen and improve facial tone and texture? Sculptra® plus micro-needling does the trick! Have a recessed chin? Before you have surgery, …
Continue reading →As you know, the skilled plastic surgeons at South Bay Plastic Surgeons in Torrance perform a variety of breast reconstruction procedures. This article describes four common breast reconstruction methods: Free TRAM flap, Pedicled TRAM flap DIEP flap and SIEA flap These four breast reconstruction procedures all use tissue (flaps) from the abdomen to reconstruct the breast(s). The primary difference between them is the choice and management of blood vessels to nourish the abdominal flap once it has been relocated to the chest wall. The …
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Most of us, at one time or another, have stood in front of a mirror and registered disappointment in our shape. While diet and exercise are effective tools in body shaping, some of us have discreet pockets of fat that stubbornly stick around even with the most rigorous diet and exercise regimen. Because these pockets of fat are genetic in origin, they often persist even after weight loss. at our Manhattan Beach-area practice can eliminate these fat deposits with minimal discomfort and downtime. Everyone understands what …
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