I like to do the easy things first. In the interview for my current position when I was asked, “What would you say is one of your flaws,” I didn’t come out and say procrastination- that’s not the right word- but I did say that I tend to leave difficult tasks on the table until I have a chance to analyze them. So, for my Mommy Makeover at our Torrance med spa and plastic surgery center, I decided that I would work up to diet and exercise. I will analyze the logistics of those before I jump right in. Babies don’t like it when you leave them to go to the gym. My husband really likes dessert after every meal. So, I’m holding off on the weight loss part of this journey for a more opportune time.
Baby Steps
The first step in my makeover is to work on my face. This is something I have control over and I can see results relatively quickly. So, I booked an appointment at our spa, The Spa at South Bay Plastic Surgeons, for a skin consultation with Jennifer Izzarelli. Jen is a nurse practitioner, a true facial artist and a beautiful person herself. She tries every new laser, every new filler, every new gadget and skincare product and really does all the trial and error before the product enters our practice. She’s like a Food Taster of the 21st Century. We love her for it.
“She tries every new laser, every new filler, every new gadget and skincare product and really does all the trial and error before the product enters our practice.”
My appointment with Jen was a little scary. It’s hard to sit in front of someone and tell them all the things you don’t like about yourself. She was very doctor-like in her thoroughness and her delivery of information to me. It was very “matter-of-fact” with what she could do to help me with all my concerns. She swiftly drafted up a treatment plan that could start now and would resume after I was done breastfeeding. She scheduled me to see our aesthetician to discuss a new “breastfeeding friendly” skincare regime.

Immediately following the Clear + Brilliant laser treatment
She had some time on her schedule and offered to start my transformation immediately with a Clear + Brilliant laser treatment ($450 for a single treatment, $1080 if you pre-purchase a package of 3). She explained that this laser is good for fine lines, hyperpigmentation, and enlarged pores, all of which I need help with. She said it would take 3 to 6 treatments for the best results. I had nothing to do besides run a company so I agreed to do the first treatment immediately.
Begin With the Skin
I signed a consent form, smothered numbing cream on my face (lidocaine is breastfeeding friendly) and waited for my lips to go numb. Jen came back in after I watched a small portion of The Chef’s Table on Netflix, provided by our office, and gave me a pair of laser-appropriate glasses to wear. She warned me that the treatment might be hot, but I shouldn’t feel any pain.
She ran the laser over my right cheek and I could barely feel anything. Success. She ran the laser over my forehead and I felt a little tingling and slight heat. Very easy. She ran the laser over my nose and it felt like a quick bee sting. I can totally handle this. She ran the laser over my top lip and deep burning sensation. Luckily, the bad part only lasted a second. She finished by rubbing a hyaluronic acid (HA) cream (SkinCeuticals HA Intensifier, $98) over my face and it felt like heaven.

One day after the Clear+ Brilliant treatment
I came out of the office with my face looking like I had sat in a tanning bed for hours. I was promised that the redness would mostly be gone the next day. It was almost gone when I woke up the next morning and was replaced by a sandpaper feeling all over. I scheduled my next round of treatments and will share my progress on this blog soon.
P.S. If you just started following along with my mommy makeover journey you can read how my adventures into mommy-hood started here.
To meet with an aesthetic specialist at our med spa in Torrance, contact us using our online form to request a consultation or call (310) 784-0670 to schedule an appointment.
The statements in this blog have not been reviewed by an OB/GYN or pediatrician so please check with your own doctor before following any new skincare or aesthetic regime.
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