South Bay Plastic Surgeons
3640 Lomita Boulevard #306
Torrance, CA 90505
Phone: (310) 784-0644
Monday-Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
The Spa at South Bay Plastic Surgeons
3640 Lomita Boulevard #309
Torrance, CA 90505
Phone: (310) 784-0670
Monday-Friday: 9 a.m.–6 p.m.
Wednesday: 9:00 a.m.–8 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
Breast Lift Before & After Case 54
*Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary. Photos in our online gallery are of actual patients of our practice who have provided consent to display their pictures online.

Before & After
Case Details
This 34 year old woman came to our office considering a Long Beach breast lift after noticing significant changes to her breasts from breastfeeding her 2 children. In particular, she was concerned about decreased breast volume and drooping, which is known clinically as ptosis. Sagging and deflated breast appearance is very common for mothers who have nursed their children, and a common cosmetic concern of patients at our practice.
At her consultation, this patient expressed a desire to increase the size of her breasts and improve the shape of her breasts. She understood that it would be necessary to place scars on her breast in order to improve her severe sagging. Additionally, her surgeons explained that implants would be necessary in order to increase the volume of her breasts.
During her surgery, Allergan Natrelle Smooth Round Silicone Gel implants were placed under her pectoralis muscles (submuscular placement). High profile 375ml implants were used to minimize the amount of skin that had to be removed. Extra skin was removed along the breast below the nipple and the nipple was moved to a higher, more aesthetic position on the breast. An incision pattern such as this one is often referred to as a “Wise”, “inverted T”, or “anchor” pattern.
This Long Beach breast augmentation and lift procedure took the patient from a B cup to a D cup. The patient was delighted with her results and she enjoyed the confidence that her new look gave her.
Provider: South Bay Plastic Surgeons
About This Patient